Contributing to both the aesthetics and functionality of a property, a lush lawn is often the dream of many homeowners in Canada. However, the process of installing a new lawn can be complex and time consuming if you don’t make the right choice for your space. In this blog, we are exploring the advantages of sod over seeding and why you should consider it for your property. Let’s delve into it.
Understanding Grass Sod Installation
Sod installation is the method in which homeowners buy rolls of pre-grown grass from a sod supplier to have them laid and installed in their lawn. Contrary to seeding, where grass needs to be properly planted, watered and cultivated to grow, sod comes in rolls that are ready to be installed and used. This is often a more common choice among many homeowners as the method doesn’t require the same amount of effort and care when compared to seeding.
The Advantages of Sod Over Seed
Faster Results
One of the main advantages that lawn sod brings to your property is faster results. Since the product comes in rolls of pre-grown grass, sod can provide you with instant gratification right after the installation process. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of a lush lawn in your external area on the same day it was laid. When it comes to seeding, however, it can take several weeks before you start seeing the first signs of your new grass growing.
Erosion Control
Another great advantage that sod brings to your space is erosion control. This is particularly important in slopes or uneven areas that are more likely to be affected by running water. The leaves and stolons of sods can physically protect the dirt by dispersing the water and allowing it to infiltrate in a slower and more controlled way. This process happens even before sod is rooted in, which is why it is commonly used as a quick and effective way of controlling erosion in some properties.
Can Be Installed at Any Time
Last, but not least, sod can be installed at any time during the growing season, providing you with more flexibility and practicality when renovating your external area. Seeding, however, can’t be done all year round. In many cases, seeding can only be done between late summer and early fall, leaving homeowners with a tight time window to invest on their lawn. For that reason, sod is often a more common method for those who want quicker and more practical solutions.
Your Choice for High Quality Lawn Sod in Edmonton
Now that you have gathered valuable information regarding the advantages of sod over seed, why not take the next step? Sturgeon Valley Sod can provide you with efficient and reliable sod installation services so that you can have access to the lawn you have always wanted for your home. Don’t hesitate to give us a call and let us help you enhance the aesthetics and functionality of your property. Reach out to us!