So, you've sourced the best grass rolls Edmonton suppliers could provide you with, painstakingly laid your sod, and watered it just like the instructions said. What now? Chances are your newly-laid grass looks fantastic, giving your yard an instant lift. Yet, if you want these glory days to last, there are a few things you need to know about helping your newly sodded lawn survive its first growing season. You may know how to care for an established lawn, but instant turf needs a little more specialized care to get off to a good start. These are the things questions you need to answer if you want your fresh new grass to thrive.
When Is the Growing Season for My Grass?
Cool-season grasses grow best in Canada. So, if you've installed Kentucky Bluegrass Edmonton winters won't have any negative effects on its health.
Other cool-season grasses include fescue and perennial ryegrass. These types of grass grow best during fall and winter, so most of your lawn care tasks will center on these seasons.
What Should I Avoid in the First Year of Growing Grass Sods?
Aerating your lawn and adding pre-emergent herbicides are great policies for established lawns. However, these practices can harm the roots of your freshly-laid lawn. Avoid aerating or applying pre-emergent formulas to your sods in the first year.
When Can I Use a Herbicide on My New Lawn?
When you turn up the soil in your yard to lay your grass sods, you'll expose many weeds seeds. As soon as you start nurturing your lawn, these seeds will benefit and start to grow. Fortunately, you won't have to bear with them for very long. You can apply post-emergent herbicides as soon as you've mowed your new lawn three or four times.
How Soon Can I Mow My Lawn?
The sooner you mow your lawn the better. Unfortunately with a newly sodded lawn, you have to wait 10 to 14 days. When you first mow you lawn for the first time start at the highest height of the mower desk. Then slowly lower the mower deck 1/3 inch at a time. Continue this process until you reach your desired height.
When Can I Apply Fertilizer?
It's important to fertilize your lawn regularly to ensure optimum growth and limit the emergence of weeds. Also, before the laying the sod you can also lay root development fertilizer. Our fertilizer guide has all the information you need and more tips.
More About Sod in Edmonton
There are many more things to discover about successfully growing a lush, thick lawn in Edmonton. If have more questions regarding your first season lawn, reach out to Sturgeon Valley Sod for more information. We're the most knowledgeable authorities on grass rolls Edmonton has to offer.